Hōlanikū Update #8

My word of advice is to give your thanks to the people who raised you and fed you while they can still hear it and feel it in this physical realm and then carry on that legacy in the way you do the same for the next generation.

When I look out onto this land and see the way the birds love, I wonder to myself how many times these bird parents have come back here to reunite with their partners to gift life to the bird nation. Many of these birds are long lived, meaning they are more like us than most think. Wisdom, a beautiful moli living on Kuaihelani has lived well over sixty years and has raised generations of Moli that we see today. There is so much that can be learned by looking up at life happening in and around us.

#holaniku #kure #atoll #hawaiianislands #kanaka #hawaiianhistory #nativebirds