Born out of Aloha

Everything we see is born out of aloha. The land we walk upon began under the ocean where fire and water met. In their union, sea mountains formed becoming home for our creation story. Love gives life. It is in the way that rain falls in the uplands and travels to the lowlands nourishing everything in between. We are made up of that water, made up of a source that is meant to give life and that teaches us that we are made from love.

We can learn so much about caring for each other from the way the land and water cares for us. What if we spoke to one another like we spoke to the land? What if we spoke to ourselves like we spoke to the land? What if we decided to go to the land when we need healing, when we need to process pain, anger, or hurt? Perhaps there would be more peace. Perhaps there would be more understanding and compassion. That is what aloha teaches us. That is what the land teaches us. That is what the wisdom of our ancestors teaches us.

It is with that intention to deepen this connection to the inner and the outer realms from a conscious space of love that I enter into this day, heart forward with my eyes focused on the beauty and blessings of this life.

E aloha ē

📸: @kapzphotography